Mission Statement
The people of Our Lady of Hope Parish are called to be a welcoming community of faith, hope and love. Committed to Jesus Christ and to His Gospel. To grow in our love for others as Jesus loves us. Through the prayerful intercession of Mary, our patroness, we seek to live in unity and hope as we strive to assist those in need through our good works, sacrifices and stewardship.
By celebrating the Mass and Sacraments, by providing various opportunities for Catholic education, by calling forth more of our members to ministries and service, we seek to help one another grow closer to the Lord in this life as we journey together towards the complete happiness that awaits us in Heaven.
Rev. John S. Terry
Sacred Heart & Benediction every First Friday following 8:00 am Mass
St. Anthony Novena every Tuesday following 7:00 am Mass
St. Anthony Christmas Novena nine weeks prior to Christmas Tuesdays at 5:30 pm
St. Anthony Novena thirteen weeks prior to his Feast Day, June 13 Tuesdays at 5:30
Mass Schedule
Weekdays 8:00 am on Tuesday and Friday
Saturdays 4:00 pm
Sundays 10:30 am
Daily before Mass
Saturdays 3:15 pm – 3:45 pm
Office Hours Week Days 9:00-12:30
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